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boxcutter—"the ruthless criticism of all that exists" 7"



A year and a half on from their unassuming debut in the fall of 2022, boxcutter has become synonymous with Toronto emo. They've been busy ever since, playing near-constant shows throughout the GTA with the genre's luminaries and embodying a scrappy chaos that defines the '90s emocore & Suis La Lune riffs they emulate. the ruthless criticism of all that exists seeks to widen that scope—4 tracks of urgent, vitriolic screamo played fast & dangerously. Blending serrated guitars & a frantic rhythm section, the 3-piece slides between styles as disparate as the merciless thrust of "fuck the 29" and the noise-fueled zen of "reckoning (kumapit sa patalim)" without stopping to breathe. With no end in sight, boxxy focuses an LP's worth of mathy, political rage into 9 minutes of violent desperation; it'd be wise to get in on the ground floor.

MRMNG07, 7" black vinyl record packaged in a silkscreened foldover sleeve. 200 copies, released July 2024.

Note: please keep in mind that every sleeve has been individually hand-printed/stamped—there will be variations from copy to copy.

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